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Percussion Play
Quintet Ensemble Outdoor Instruments
The Percussion Play Quintet Ensemble is a perfect option for any music park, trail or urban space. Parks and places such as metro river walks, resorts or any public park settings, are ideal locations for outdoor instruments. The Quintet Ensemble of outdoor musical instruments offers a well-rounded range of tones and resonance. Anyone can take the stage and play improvised music with no tuition or acknowledged musical ability. This pentatonic set offers a varied range of tones, and the sounds produced blend effortlessly into beautiful music. Comprising; Cherub bells, Sansa-Rimba Mysteria xylophone, the warm tones of the Akadinda, plus a set of 7 Tubular Bells, all accompanying the steady beat of the colorful Rainbow Sambas.
Mounting Options:
Inground Mount
Surface Mount